Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Otra Calavera de Azucar

Otra calavera de azucar, another sugar skull.

Calaveras de Azucar (Sugar Skulls)

Kurston Pierce and Euliza Mendez share their sugar skulls.  The sugar skulls are a part of The Days of the Dead Fesitvities.  The Days of the Dead are November 1 and 2 and celebrate the lives of those who have passed away.  It is not the same as our version of Halloween.  Other traditions that celebrate The Days of the Dead are altars (dedicated to the deceased), visits to the cemetary, and a lot of people make and eat bread of the dead.

Kurston Pierce y Euliza Mendez muestran sus calaveras de azucar.  Las calaveras de azucar son una parte de las celebraciones de Los Días de Los Muertos.  Los Días de Los Muertos son el 1 y el 2 de noviembre y celebran las vidas de las personas que han fallecido.  Otras tradiciones que celebran Los Días de Los Muertos son los altares, las visitas a los cementerios, y mucha gente hace y come pan de muerto.

Friday, April 8, 2011

About Ms. Cunningham

Greetings to all who visit my blog.  I'm Millicent Cunningham and this is my second year teaching Spanish at Cloverdale Middle School but I've been with the school since January 2008.  Previously I taught Special Education and 7th/8th grade math.  I've always wanted to teach Spanish since it's my passion so when I had the opportunity to teach it I couldn't say no.  I thorougly enjoy teaching and I learn a lot from the students as well.

I have two wonderful children, Aaliyah and Andre Junior (A.J.) and they are students of the Little Rock School District as well.  Aaliyah loves to read and wants to get a pink albino corn snake for her birthday this year and Andre loves playing outside, listening to stories and watching NickJr.

As you can see, I am a very busy person because not only am I a mom and a teacher but I am a student as well.  I'm currently pursuing my M.A. of Spanish at UCA and will complete the program next year.  My ultimate goal as a teacher is to inspire several of my students to study Spanish at the university level and to encourage them to strive to be the best in whatever they choose to do in life.